Android 11 is known as Red Velvet Cake internally in Google.

Google has revealed that Android 11 ‘R’ is known as Red Velvet Cake internally, but may not be so officially on release, which is expected to be around September or October. Before Android 10 Google had the custom of naming Android Versions based on ‘Tasty Treats’ . It was either the letter or the desert/treat name.

Android 11 is designed around the theme ‘people first’ rather than concentrating on implementing new features in the platform. You will notice this throughout the operating system like improvements in the handling of incoming messages, smart reply feature is visible in all applications and with changes to the lock button,it can now be used to setup Smart Home features.

One of the new features of Android 11 will be support for virtual A/B partitions helping in seamless updates for devices.The device will maintain two separate operating system partitions, the device runs using one partition and new software updates are applied to the other partition.Currently A/B partitions require manufacturers to have additional partition set up before Android is installed, but virtual A/B partitions will ease the work for device manufacturers.

Android 11 comes with a new ‘recent apps’ UI and the ability to undo an inadvertent closing of a recent app .

Android Trash Can :- Android Trash is a new feature that allows apps to delete files and restore them up to 30 days late.

Bubble Notifications :- Bubble is similar to the Facebook messenger chat Heads, they float on top of other app content and follow the user wherever they go. Bubbles can be expanded to reveal app functionality and information, and can be collapsed when not being used.